
About Me

So yes, that would be me sans makeup and cuddling the cutest puppy a girl could ask for (her name is Scarlett). My name is Katie, and I'm 26 years old. I am a graduate student pursuing my masters of education. I have a BA in English that has done nothing but give me a bigger vocabulary and an appreciation of obscure literature that makes me sound pretentious. I fell into the education world when I took a tutoring job and realized how much I adore making that light-bulb turn on for kids. It's the best feeling in the world and I couldn't be happier with my decision.

My interests range from Victorian & Russian literature to the newest hair & nail trends. I have a penchant for the vulgar and I'm deeply obsessed with all things British. I like zombies movies and shows, but nothing ridiculously scary.

Mostly I imagine this blog will be about my struggle through the education world and daily life. With a quite a bit of make-up, skincare, and sparkle thrown in for good measure. Just to make things a little prettier!

I hope you find something to enjoy here and perhaps even something to inspire! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and have a gander at my life!


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